Postingan ini membahas pseudocode dalam game Cooking Academy 2
// Slice and Dice method 1
while (knife appear) do
klick knife
if (knife) = clicked
then add green progress bar
if (progress bar) = full
then finish
// Slice and Dice method 2
while (green arrow appear) do
drag pointer from one of side through arrow
if (arrow) = passed
then add green progress bar
if progress bar = full
then finish
// Add the Ingredients method
while (ingredients appear) do
klick ingredients on
if ingredients = true
then add next ingredients
else 'X' symbol appear
if success adding all ingredients
then finish
// Fold &Crimp Method
while (green arrow appear) do
drag pointer through the arrow
while (yellow arrow appear) do
click the object based on arrow direction
if (Fold & Crimp) = done
then add green progress bar
if progress bar = full
then finish
// Fry Method
while (frying pan appear) do
drag & drop undercooked ingredients into frying pan
while (green arrow appear) do
drag pointer through the arrow
while (yellow arrow appear) do
click the object based on arrow direction
if (frying) = success
then Check symbol appear
else 'X' symbol appear
if (all finished item) = covered by symbol
then finish
// Bake method
Input (number) to number pad based on speech balloon
then click ON
while black bar reaches the green meter
do click OFF
if OFF = clicked
then finish
// Coat method
while (blue arrow appear) do
drag and drop object based on arrow direction
while (green arrow appear) do
drag pointer from circle shape through arrow direction
if (arrow) = passed
then add green progress bar
if progress bar = full
then finish
// Grate method
while (blue arrow appear) do
drag pointer from one of side through arrow then reversed
while (green arrow appear) do
drag pointer from circle shape through arrow direction
if (arrow) = passed
then add green progress bar
if progress bar = full
then finish
// Cook Method
while (instruction reach the silver circle) do
// Knead Method
while (green arrow appear) do
drag pointer from circle shape through arrow direction
while (yellow arrow appear) do
click the object based on arrow direction
if (arrow) = passed
then add green progress bar
if progress bar = full
then finish
// Roll Method
while (blue arrow appear) do
drag pointer from one of side through arrow then reversed
if dough = reach black edge
then stop
// Crack Method
while (egg appear) do
hit egg onto side of bowl
while (egg cracked) do
towards to bowl
if (egg) = enter bowl
then add green progress bar
else add red progress bar
if progress bar = full
then finish
// Pour Method
while (container empty)do
pour ingredients into bowl
while (ingredient touch green line) do
stop pouring
if (ingredient) = fit into container
then add green progress bar
if (ingredient) = surpass container
else add red progress bar
if progress bar = full
then finish
// Raid Method
do click object based on list
while list is unchecked
if (object) = clicked
then check the list
if (all list) = checked
then finish
// Score Method
half = total step/2
if failed = 0
then Score = 100
if failed <= half && != 0
then Score = 50
else Score = 0
// Time Bonus
if time > 0
then add Time Bonus
else Time Bonus = 0
// Score List Method
Total Score = Score + Time Bonus
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